
Suffering and the Goodness of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Famine, sickness, terrorist attacks, natural disasters—each day horrific scenes of suffering stream before us via television, the Internet, and newspapers. Believers are taught that God is good, and they believe this truth. Yet when faced with suffering and hardships, the one question believers are most often asked is, why? Suffering and the Goodness of God brings insight to many contemporary...

didn’t have to like what was happening relieved a great burden from me. In the rest of this chapter I want to turn from things that didn’t help to things that did. These things didn’t all happen at once, and in some cases it took a while for their import to sink in. If you are wrestling with the religious problem of evil, none of these comments may help you now, but at some point they may, so don’t hesitate to come back to this later. One thing that did help over time came in a conversation
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